Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often does the choir rehearse?

A: Weekly, but check the Calendar to be sure.


Q: Where are rehearsals held?

A: In Sebastopol – check the Calendar for location and time.


Q: Will I need to audition?

A: No. Everyone is welcome to join the choir. In fact, our motto is “There’s
Safety in Numbers!”


Q: Will I need to commit to the choir for any length of time?

A: No. Come to rehearsals and performances when you can.


Q: What’s the cost to join?

A: There is no fee to join. We use a donation basket to collect money to pay for rehearsal space and choir expenses, and to keep the “Fun Fund” stoked. The fund is used for special choir events.


Q: Is there a board of directors or a governing committee of some kind?

A: No. Jim Corbett directs the choir. A few volunteers coordinate communications; others help in other ways as needed. Let Jim know if you’d like to volunteer a special skill.


Q: Are there regular “business” meetings?

A: No. We meet occasionally as needed, usually before a special event.


Q: How do I get a copy of the lyrics to the songs the choir sings?

A: It’s best to learn the songs by listening to them during rehearsal. We try to pick tunes that are familiar to people. See the Song Book page


Q: How often does the choir perform? Where does it perform?

A: We perform several times a year, mostly in Sonoma County.

Q: Do I have to perform to be in the choir?

A: No, but it’s fun, and you’ll get to know other members when you’re carpooling to a gig, or hanging out before and after performances.


Q: What do members wear to performances?

A: We wear long, colorful scarves or Love Choir T-shirts. Both are available for purchase at Love Choir. See Linda Meyskens.


Q: How do I get a scarf?

A: Talk to Linda Meyskens.


Q: It seems like there are already lots of members. Is there room for a new person to join?

A: Yes. Figure out which section suits you best and start singing! There are two sections for women: Soprano and Alto (there are a few renegade MezzoSopranos, but they are not an “official” section).
There are two sections for men: Tenor and Bass.


Q: Is there a choir member directory?

A: Yes. It has names and phone numbers. Let Cheryl White know if you’d like to be on it, or for a copy of the most current directory.


Q: What about a choir E-mail list?

A: If you would like to join Love Choir’s private E-mail, Google group, in order to receive current communications and information, please write your name and E-mail address on a piece of paper and give to Tom Meyskens at rehearsal.


Q: I’d like to sing a solo with the group and have a song in mind. What should I do?

A: Talk to Jim about it.


Q: I play an instrument. Is there room in the band for me?

A: Possibly. Talk to Jim about it.


Q: Any special events I should know about?

A: In midMarch, we often perform during St. Patrick’s Day festivities at the Catholic Church in Elk, and at the Methodist Church in Point Arena. We usually stay overnight in the area prior to our gigs, and have a potluck dinner & songfest. In late June, we attend and perform at the Kate Wolf Memorial Music Festival near Laytonville (Mendocino County); we camp for several nights there.


Q: I’ve written a song/a poem/a story that I’d like to share with the group. When can I do that?

A: We have semiannual talent shows that are put on by the choir for the choir. We usually have a potluck dinner beforehand. You can rehearse your song (or someone else’s song) with the band or Jim a few weeks before the show. These events are great fun and very supportive.


Q: I have a friend who’s interested in the choir. What should they do?

A: Come to a rehearsal and sing!


Q: Does the choir follow any particular spiritual path?

A: No. Folks come from lots of different backgrounds.


Q: I’ve been coming regularly, but I need to leave town for a couple of months/I have a conflict on practice nights for a couple of months. Is that OK?

A: Yes. The choir will be here when you come back. Just let Jim know.


Q: When did the choir start?

A: April 1997. The Love Choir debuted at Sebastopol’s annual Apple Blossom Festival, when Jim (“Brother Jimmy Lovejoy”) gathered some folks together to do a Sunday morning gospel concert. The rest is history, and you’re continuing to make that history.


Q: Will joining the Love Choir change my life?

A: Quite possibly!

We welcome you with open arms into our circle of song!


Last Update: September 2014